For people who sweat substantially more than others, normal activities like spending the day at the park or going for a jog can quickly turn into embarrassing and uncomfortable experiences. If you can relate to this common problem, you may be a good candidate for miraDry® sweat reduction.
But before typing in “miraDry near me” and scheduling your appointment, take a look at these miraDryfacts to help you decide if it could be right for you.
Controlled Heating Technology
MiraDry is a small hand-held device that works by emitting electromagnetic energy to heat and destroy targeted sweat glands in your underarm area. At the same time, cooling technology keeps the surface of your skin cool, comfortable and unharmed.
Currently, miraDry is only used for treating excessive underarm sweating. To help control sweating in other areas, such as the palms of your hands, talk to an experienced provider about BOTOX® for sweating.
MiraDry usually only takes about 1 hour to complete and doesn’t require any downtime.
Improved Conditions after Just One Treatment
For most people with mild or moderate excessive underarm sweating, one miraDry treatment session is enough to provide excellent results. However, if you’re struggling with severe sweating caused by hyperhidrosis, you may need 2 or 3 treatments to see the best results.
Long-Lasting Results
One of the many benefits of MiraDryis that it has been shown to yield long-lasting results, since the sweat glands that are destroyed during this process won’t return. But don’t worry—your body will still be able to cool down through the many other sweat glands in other parts of your body.